Monday, October 01, 2007


Me: What would you like to do today Flo?
Flo: Seaside?
Me; Well, how about we have breakfast?
Flo: See Horses?
Me: OK, after breakfast.
Flo: See Cows?
Me: Well, they're still in bed, so maybe later?
Flo (tearing up): Seaside!

We went to visit Granny Jan & Grandad this weekend in Devon. Flo is now obsessed with Seaside, Horses, Cows, Grandad, Granny Jan, Cat and Uncle Joe!

Starting out on our "bencha"

The two trains down are pretty easy, and the new ultra-light buggy is a DOYC-send*

The biggest puddles in the world!

Granny Jan is in fits of giggles. Flo shows no fear of the incoming tide that swamped her wellies....and caused the giggle.

Being a ballerina

Gorgeous sunset

Playing in the horsey field

* Deity Of Your Choice

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