Tuesday, March 14, 2006

And again some while...

...but I can't be doing with talking about the crazy sex-mad Brazilian girls (don't ask) at the party...Joe (look...there...in a jungle!...i have a stick!) suddenly turning up...

cameras...wherein i forgot a crucial bit... :/

...meeting up with Buck and the SLK...Tom...Guiness...me getting a bit ill...Work going absolutely spaz...

...me doing something mental to my computer...ordering a new desk for it all to inhabit...work GOING MENTAL!!!...thinking I need a washing machine (or a maid...or maybe...a brazilian)...the beard...hmmm...the beard...

... (seem to be called "Jesu" at work all the time)....not being able to get my SE/// working with Kubuntu...getting an Edubuntu box together (just to see if it'sworth it for Es and then Lil (I'm sure by the time Lil is 3 [no sooner!]) she'll be wanting to see what that 'magic screen' will do :)

...WORK goInG mENt41_!!!!11!1!!...breaking everything in the megamachine by copying Gigs of files & deleting & re-partitioning other bits at the same time....

...and then lo and behold...it seems the original candidate immediately came up trumps...Ubuntu has come trumps. I got things "emptied out" with a Knoppix LiveCD ...and then nixed (literally) everything with a fresh "Breezy Badger"...and I immediately like Gnome way more than KDE (I last used Gnome about 3 years ago on a Solaris box)...but that clipboard thing is nasty :)

...next up...picture transference...and tv things...I found a small, hilarious video of Riobard fixing JP's bike...when he had his beard...also one of "teh Ricola (f)" in a Peruvian shepherds hat...oh the days...the days...

[ps. my keyboard is not broken]

[pps. Peachie Keen rock!]

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