Thursday, January 05, 2006


If you (and I) are lucky, I've managed to update this post later with the (very short) video of Lil "Cycling"...This is a new behaviour exhibited recently if she does not want to lay down, by which I mean she wants to be picked up, not lay down. A bit cruel I guess to make her do it...but is that not part of the wonder of a baby? Making them bend to your will?

Giant Hand....Tiny Baby!

She is also chewing: her hands, my hands...and dribbling. Also (and I get scared about this) she has stopped making any kind of noise at all!!! It's very strange...the best I got today was a couple of hiccups and some heavy breathing! Given that I may not sort this video link out; here's something else...

My Window View - in daytime ;)

Re-reading that first paragraph it sounds like I'm doing bad things to Lil's body/brain/psyche. I promise I am not! It's just a bit when I put Sooty in the "orange net", or Dill up my jumper...but not.


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