Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Just did that Freeskilling thing about FOSS/Linux. It went very well...


...the 1st thing (apart from "Hello") said to me was "I saw you in purple spandex and green y-fronts the other week...dancing like a loon".

This may be my legacy.


Skeddy said...


Too much package!!

Mind Bleach pls k thks!

guriben said...

that's fake package...there was NO WAY i was going with pure spandex, so i bought a UFC style "cup" from a nearby martial arts shop...which looked ridiculous when I tried it on...

...so I got some big pants to put on top...everyone knows: purple + green = awesome!

...and then some moonboots...

I've got some goggles now so I don't burn my eyes out when I look in the mirror ;-)

More photos on Facepunch I fear!

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