Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Pony Up (My Lovely Lady Lumps)

As promised...here's a partial update on the latest news.


Everybody poops!


Yes, that motherfucker on my neck is a huge sebaceous cyst (yummy)...It took 2 operations (minor, local anaesthetic jobs) to get it clear...there's now a non-infected lump on my neck which'll get yoiked out in the New Year.



guriben said...

that is pretty much what I said when they started sticking scalpels and shit in me :)

except it was a more drawn out, kinda "fffffuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrkkkkkkkk" through gritted teeth

how you fella?

Anonymous said...

I'm not bad mate, usual xmas rushing about. I finish soon tho.. YAY!

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