Got the job!
Bit of a payrise, with hopeful promotion up the scale mid-year 2006!
No more French line managers! That's the best bit ;)
Mindless ramblings...
Got the job!
Bit of a payrise, with hopeful promotion up the scale mid-year 2006!
No more French line managers! That's the best bit ;)
Posted by
12:57 pm
OK, not so lazy this time, eh?
Actually, I'm waiting for part 2 of the Dylan documentary on BBC2 which is on again at 9 this evening and rather than watch bollocks TV until that time I've got The Archers on in the background, checking a few late work emails and faffing with this new phone.
I'm trialling a new Nokia 3G device, the N70i. It's bigged up as a "Music" phone and runs Series 60 Symbian...I've already managed to delete all the "Signature" applications (by formatting the memory card), changed everything so that it's less Nokia and tried out the 2 MegaPixel camera.
...though I'm disappointed to note that there's a delay between the "shutter" sound when you press the Capture button and the actual taking of the picture...I think this might be something to do with the flash, as it's much worse when using "Night Mode"...almost 0.5 second delay between button press and flash/capture....anyway that's a rant for the relevant Trials Manager. The earphones and MP3 quality is nice....and it's got a radio....and supposedly there will be "TV Viewing" software (the whole point of signing up for the trial!) soon. It's still a Nokia though and I still prefer my SE/// K600i (which, incidentally is being flashed up to commercial software tomorrow).
Other than that, I've realised a few more blog-watchers than I expected (you've probably all gone after that geek-out on mobiles), the ale is conditioning in the keg ready for Fulleride and Marlon to sample. Lillian is lovely...beautifuler than your baby!!! So what she's spotty...those'll clear up; you're ugly mug is there for life! ;)
Still not sent Thanks to Nicky or Ivor/Sue...tell them about this place...It's cheaper than a stamp :)
If i get the job I'll post a quick w00t and then go spend some money I don't have on beer....MMmmm, sweet beer how I miss thee!
Posted by
7:49 pm
...that's me.
Yes, I know it's been a while but I've come to realise that this is probably the same reason why I never managed to keep a diary for more than a few days when I was a kid!
Life goes on as normal....work is....well, work. Though I have applied for a new job within Orange and should find out if I have an interview in the next week or so. No more gadgets for Guri :( though working with "big boxes" again should be fun. Certainly more fun than I had sorting out my CV.
Thanks to Nicky et famille for the lovely baby grows and Ivor & Sue for the wossname and the little hat....still working our way through the ton of supplies M&D bought down...how many teethbrush?
Anyway, some pics...
And here's one if Nic being shy....or a Nazi....happy birthday for Saturday female Ricola!
Posted by
9:20 am
So, it's been a week now....can't really believe that Lillian is approximately 0.02 Years 0ld already! I'm getting a few hours every morning and another hour or so in the early evening, which is about as much as is needed.
Next week I'm going back to work part-time plus more work done from home so I'll see her less, but The Rose is allowing a couple of 3 hour sessions and a couple of 2 hour ones so that's good....I know most dads have to work and so don't get much time with their kids, but having the time dictated by (essentially) The Roses whim is definitely going to be hard. Apart from the beautiful beautiful baby in my life, this is the hardest time I've ever had.
Enjoy the latest piccies!
And one of Esmae, just for fun!
The "Lil Smith's" IPA I started homebrewing has been ready all week, and I've tucked into 4 or 5 pints already - I only got 30 pints this batch, due to some "mismanagement" with the fermentation bin and the spigot on the barrel....not as bad as the time I sprayed 2 gallons of half-brewed lager round my room in Potton ;)
The brew is crystal clear, has a very light fizz and a sweet, almost nutty flavour. A very good choice in the end. I hope to get a couple of smaller conditioning kegs in the next week and to start up a batch of something different...something nifty for Chrimbo, and then immediately get started on something dark and heavy. For the winter months you understand.
That's it for now; I'm off to illegally copy some DVDs...I mean watch a film or something ;)
Oh yeah...and happy birthday to Ground Zero!!!
Posted by
12:47 pm
Here are a few more photos.
Posted by
10:20 pm
So that's it then.
I've had 2 hours sleep since 10am Saturday morning, but boy oh boy has it been worth it. The Rose went into labour at 9pm last night, and baby Lillian arrived at 4:30am wieghing in at 8lbs 11oz...massive! And didn't The Rose feel it...good skills lady.
Lillian is amazing! I cannot express quite how much it's affected me. Until now, all my thoughts and feelngs about it had been kind of theoretical. But now, it's like I'm a different person. I thought that when people had said that in the past, that it was cliched. I was wrong. It's true.
So that's it for this post.
I'm off to bed before I fall asleep on my laptop.
Posted by
8:48 pm
So, still no sign of "teh chile".
Went to the Ricola last night for a return match of Dinner. I think Ricola wins. Nobody beats the company. Plus bacon caressed by dates, chicken with booze & spices, and quite simply the best apple and plum crumble I've had in years (with super-ginger-power flavour). Safe to say wine, smoky treats and such led to a cab after the strange Err03 on the magic tv box.
God bless the Ricola!
Posted by
11:44 pm
Oh...and happy birthday Mum!
Posted by
10:09 pm
This is a test post prior to the arrival.....
That's me over there, it's old and from an old SPV --->>>>>
The only reason for this blogs existence is for me to share some of the forthcoming "experiences" and photos with my family and friends....because I've realised I'm super lazy. Here's your one stop shop...
....cos there's a baby comin' dammit! :)
However, I do feel the odd rant coming on!...
Posted by
10:01 pm